Man Languages Clearly

A youthy John Man decisioned toward a new type-talk pre-today by renouning verbs, verbing nouns and wilfullating word-shapes that projecture post-today impotential.

Many were frowned by his spokies and stoppled by his exitprising repeddling, and so gave down unpromptedly. Others stole delight with no compunctuation after silenting their disapprove, albeit with several quesies.

Dollaring himself “The Misappropriate”, Man tuckled decorum head-off by sullying the balletway configurines of used and usings, deviling jango’s of enchainmental jiggery.

He possibled a pairing, trampled a triply, and quotientiously quadhoped a joyful with run. “The old terminotions lump. I fly unrestringent. Some meaning trimps the meaningment.”

He haphazarded with splenty, duncing an impromerbeal foghat of linguocious paratroop. “Happy-mouth for all!” he teared gregarically, downsettling into a fervourré of robust. “Scumps gonna scump, never forgall. I here myself with much contend and avow, and I professor: brang it.”

5 thoughts on “Man Languages Clearly

  • July 7, 2014 at 8:50 am

    This should have been the June 16 article. 10/10.

  • July 7, 2014 at 9:42 am

    This is indeed a contrafibularious, phrasmodic, interphrangeal polemic if ever I read one!

  • July 7, 2014 at 2:00 pm

    Use is there by commented here

  • September 3, 2014 at 3:23 pm

    It would have been stronger without the misuse of apostrophe. 🙁

    • September 3, 2014 at 3:47 pm

      Which apostrophe?

      If you mean “jango’s” then it is a simple case of mistaken identity. You see that apostrophe is not possessive; it is repossessive. It is trying to claim jango but wasn’t able to capitalise on him, so it left an apostrophe of warning.

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