New Novel Probably Has Limpid And/Or Lucid Prose
In the latest debut novel by Blandly Disaffected Sad Millennial, a group of interesting twenty-something characters are rendered in astonishing
Read moreIn the latest debut novel by Blandly Disaffected Sad Millennial, a group of interesting twenty-something characters are rendered in astonishing
Read moreJohn Man, local enthusiast, is excited to be reading one of the Great works of Literature in his spare time.
Read moreChapter 1 Could you include more obscure references to catholic theology? I don’t think you have quite covered that. Now
Read moreWhile gazing at a babbling brook from a rustic mill near a Linden tree, the innovative young poet Klaussy Klausenberger
Read moreI read with horror and confusion last week that Bob Dylan had been awarded the Nobel Prize for, you guessed
Read moreJohn Man, part-time satirist and truth machine, recently experienced the wonderful joy of getting engaged to his girlfriend of seven
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